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·Stone Forest Of Yunnan  ·Halamaodu tiny town, Jilin  ·Bashang Grassland in spring  ·Large-scale performance Record: Western Hunan Charm  ·Huadian leaves in jilin city  ·Saihanba Grassland scenic area is stunning scenery in autumn  ·City scenery of Beijng  ·Hongdengji: Chinese revolution of modern Peking Opera  ·Beautiful homes: Taining Global Geopark in Fujian Province  ·Holy Lake: Namtso, the vast sapphire blue lake  ·Yan'an wangjiaping revolutionary site of Shaxi  ·Chinese Ancient Architecture Museum: Hebei Zhengding Longxing Temple  ·Frontier city: the ancient city of Sichuan Songpan  ·Manzhouli  ·Canberra: Australia's federal capital  
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